Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Snow much fun!!!

Snowman cookies!!!!

Seriously, candy and cookies together!?!  Who doesn't love that????  Sugar cookies, icing, lifesavers, m&m's, twizzlers that you peel apart, and orange slices are all you need!  We made these for the christmas party at preschool a few years back.....lets see what else I can find to post!!!

Monster Truck Madness!!!!


The monster truck birthday was AWESOME!!!  The base of the cake is a piece of plywood covered in a plastic racing flag tablecloth that I bought off of ebay with the flag cupcake pics!  For the cake I baked two cakes in a regular rectangle cake pan.  I stacked them on top of each other and went from there.  I tinted white icing green to ice the sides of the cake with.  The edging I did with a baggie by cutting the corner off and piping it on.  I iced the top of the cake with white icing then covered it in graham cracker crumbs to look like the dirt/sand track the trucks drive on.  On the side of the cake, where the blue monster truck is, I cut out a chunk off the top of the cake.  I used the chunk I cut out to make the ramp the dalmatian monster truck is on, jumping over the cars.  The ramp from the board to the cake is a graham cracker covered in icing then the graham cracker crumbs.  I put some icing on the tires of the trucks to help them stay in place.  I used the leftover green icing in the baggie to write Bode's name on the cake board and to put squiggly lines on the cupcakes.  The monster trucks and cars on the cake were purchased brand new as part of Bode's birthday present.  I bought plastic gift bags that had monster trucks on them at the Dollar Tree.  I filled them with tire shaped yo-yo's, car flip discs, candy, and a monster truck sticker that I bought off of ebay.  Each kid got a gift bag and absolutely loved it!!



Bode asked for a Spongebob birthday for his 5th birthday......and this is what he got!  Spongebob is just a cake baked in a regular cake pan.  I simply tinted white icing for the yellow (for the sponge), green (for the swirls), and blue (for the center of the eyes).  I bought a small tube of black and red icing to use for the mouth, tie, and around the eyes.  Spongebob's pants are iced with chocolate icing and then dashed with the black like stitching at the top (it's hard to see in the picture, sorry!).  The nose......a big marshmallow!  I cut a slice off of the marshmallow and coated it in yellow icing and stuck it on his face!  (I made this cake for a couple of other parties after this one and ended up putting a toothpick in the nose for extra stability in traveling.)  I made cupcakes too because I was not sure the cake was going to be enough.  I used stickers that Bode had in a coloring book to make the cupcake pics.  I just cut out squares of cardstock and put a sticker on it with the toothpicks under the stickers.

My family...

Here we are!!  This is my wonderful family!  I am not sure how we got so lucky to end up with an awesome boy and a fantastic baby girl, but we did.  I thank God every day for what he has given me!  I figured if I am going to start sharing things I have created, either out of my own head or from others, I think you should know a little about me.  I love to try new things and like to consider myself pretty crafty.  I started out doing little things here and there and wished I would have taken pics of some of the things I have done!  I moved onto scrapbooking and cardmaking and now the list goes on and on.  I also have a fantastic BFF that helps out quite a bit!